Tuesday, June 3, 2014

1st day of school: Guest Blogger Jess Jacobsen

NB:  these are the student's own words.  I typed their reports as written with no editing.  :-)

Today was our first day of school.  Unfortunately, Edin and I were running a little late. Thanks to that, we had to walk.  We left the house at 7:30.  We walked down the street like we would on a normal walk into town.  We were running late enough that we needed tp go up the 209 (!) stairs next to the church for a shortcut.  After that, we made our way into the school and got there 2 minutes before class started.  

We went into the classroom and Joshua showed me where I would be sitting.  When the bell rang, people moved behind their chairs and waited a minute later.  A minute later the Lehrer walked in and put his bag on the table.  He said , " Guten Morgen" to which the class replied, "Guten Morgen".  After that, everyone sat down and class began.  

The first class of the day was called SZ.  It had something to do with social situations in politics.  Everyone got into groups and started working on arguments for why a town should get rid of a park for a parking garage.  After 10 minutes, the class set up tables in a circle and the arguing began.  I couldn't hope to follow along because they all spoke so quickly.  At one point, one kid threw a water bottle at another kid.  After that was done, the class moved the desks back and the bell rang.  

After the bell rang, everyone went outside and sat by the cafeteria. We talked for a little bit and the bellrang.  We went back inside.  We all stood behind our chairs and waited for the teacher.  When Frau Schäfer came in, we said good morning and we all sat.  Frau Schäfer then asked me to talk about America and the differences I noticed between home and here.  After thatt, she gave a lecture and talked tomthe kids about a fictional family.  The dad worked at the King Center and the mother was a reporter.  After that, we talked about the pros and cons of each job.  Then, we were given a sheet and talked about what the jobs are and what people would like to do.  After that, the bell rang again and we all went outside again.  

When the bell rang again, we had SZ again.  The man had us get into different groups.  Each group presented a different viewpoint on the topic.  Then we all went back to our seats and he talked to us in a lecture setting.  When he was almost done with his lecture, the bell rang and everyone had to leave.  Edin and I went to the courtyard to listen to the principal.  We were then partnered up with two or three kids from the 6th grade.  These kids gave us a tour of the whole campus. Two of the kids talked over each other nonstop while the girl didn't say much.  The kids were very excited to give the tour and they had a ton of fun.  We met back at the courtyard and said goodbye to the kids.  After that, our partners came back and got us.  Then Edin and I went home.  That was my first experience in a German school.

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