Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly Update

An entire week has flown by already here in Blieskastel.  We have been busy attending school this week and getting to know our partners and their families.  A quick roundup of what we have been up to:
Monday:  1st day of school, where we were greeted by the principal, Herr Koch, and given a tour of the school grounds by Frau Buhr's 6C English class.  In the afternoon, we attended a reception with the Burgermeisterin at Blieskastel's City Hall.

Tuesday-Friday: school with partners.  We meet for homeroom during third period every day.  On Thursday evening, we attended a "Thank You" evening for Saarland's youth clubs at the Saarland Halle in Saarbrücken, along with our partners and families.  It was amazing event with magic, a light show and music. A tour group from the United States, "The Young Americans" performed the finale.   A huge thanks for arranging for us to go.

Next week is a short week at school, as Monday is/was a holiday (Pfingsten) and Tuesday we will be traveling to Speyer on a field trip with the entire group of American and German students. On Wednesday, we will begin practicing in earnest for our Abschiedsabend, especially if the week flies by again so quickly.  Before we know it, our time here in Blieskastel will be over.  :-(

I am looking forward to seeing the GAPPies tomorrow and hearing about what they did over the weekend.  My weekend was filled with visiting the capital of Saarland, Saarbrücken, seeing good friends from Hahnheim on Saturday, exploring the art of Christian von Mannlich at the Edelhaus and the Römer Museum in Schwarzenacker on Sunday, and grilling with friends and going to a concert on Monday.  There is never a dull moment here in Germany!

Alles Gute und bis bald!  Frau S.

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